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quarta-feira, 25 de março de 2020

2nd Virtual Tour

Hello kids! How are you? I hope you are ok.😊

Today I have another virtual suggestion.

Let's visit the city of London!!
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London is the capital city of England. 

This is a beautiful city! 

There are green parks, interesting monuments like Bucking Palace, where Queen Elizabeth lives, and there are amazing shops.

Enjoy and have fun!

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P.S. Send me a message with your opinion about this visit!

6 comentários:

  1. Hello teacher!!! London is beautiful!! Thank you for the sugestion! I miss you!!! Recebeste a minha ficha de trabalho on line? O resto dos trabalhos fiz tudo,se quiseres mando por e Mail. Kisses Vitória Meireles 😘🌈- Escola Monte.

  2. Hello, Vitória! I'm happy to hear from you! I miss you too!!! I miss you all! I hope you are ok. (sim, recebi tudo👍) Kisses

  3. Hello teacher!How are you! London is beautiful. Thank you for the sugestion. I miss you. Já agora recebeste o meu teste on line?
    Keep safe.
    Paulo Araújo,SÁ

  4. Hello, Paulo! I'm great. Thank you for asking... Yes, I received your test. Keep in touch! I miss you too. Kisses

  5. Hello Teatcher, London is amazing!!! Thank you!!!
    Tomás EB de Sá

  6. hello teatcher, London is beautiful! I love the monuments. kisses Francisco Moinhos
